How the Collaboration Myth Stops Brand Growth—And How Fractional Consultants Can Shift the Vibe

Jill Di Donato I 7.16.2024

Corporate culture loves to call itself collaborative. And although the “one team, one dream” mantra is certainly a valiant goal, how realistically is it being practiced? Out-of-the-box-thinking and innovative initiatives rely not only on high-performance tactics, but high-performance optics. In order to get your project noticed, you’re going to have to make a lot of noise, and sometimes that means yelling louder than your peers. And just like that, collaboration becomes competitive.

Here’s the rub: talented leaders can struggle with collaboration, as consultants Ron Carucci and Luis Velasquez point out in a 2022 op-ed in the Harvard Business Review. “After all, rugged individualism set them apart and propelled their careers. And for many, that same focus on distinguishing themselves later becomes their demise.”

To grow a brand at an exponential level, one thing is certain: innovation must come before everything—including workflow efficiencies, and fear of making mistakes. But if a team is more competitive than collaborative, is true innovation possible?

Enter WE ARE THE BOARD , a dream team of fractional consultants who aren’t competing for a seat at the table, nor to attach our name to a project. In other words, we don’t have to yell the loudest to garner attention. Think of THE BOARD as Switzerland, able to speak on behalf of clients to their network to gather intel, reach key decision makers for honest feedback, and leverage the entire network of all members as needed.

Then something truly magical happens. THE BOARD acts as a catalyst for change. Let’s call it a vibe shift. Because we are a true community model, we’re leading by example, showing teams how to tune out the noise, keep senior management out of the weeds, and get down to work. Collaboration becomes more than a mantra, it becomes a path to growth.

Jill Di Donato is a member of WE ARE THE BOARD, and a content analyst who helps brands find their voice and articulate it across digital touch points so that it ranks on the SERP, resonates with users, and converts.

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